Are Hindu Nationalists Good for the Economy? A Webinar on Development in India under the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Jean Dreze (Honorary Professor, Delhi School of Economics, India)
Jayati Ghosh (Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
Nitin Kumar Bharti (Postdoctoral fellow in Economics, NYU, Abu Dhabi)
Dipa Sinha (Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Studies, Ambedkar University, New Delhi)
AHE hosts:
Sheba Tejani (Lecturer of International Development, King’s College London, UK)
The Argentina of Javier Milei
Ramiro Álvarez (postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Political Economy and Development Studies at the National University of Moreno in Argentina).
Matías Vernengo (Full Professor of Economics at Bucknell University).
María Carolina Moisés (distinguished Argentine politician and political scientist with a rich career dedicated to public service and political advocacy).
AHE hosts:
Santiago Gahn (Università degli studi Niccolò Cusano, Italy)
Cecilia Lanata-Briones (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Warwick, UK)
Heterodox Economics and the Political Economy of Palestine
Dr Ibrahim Shikaki (Assistant Professor of Economics, Trinity College, USA)
Raja Khalidi (Director-General of the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute, MAS, Palestine)
Rafeef Ziadah (Senior Lecturer in Politics and Public Policy, King’s College, London, UK)
AHE and URPE hosts:
Ingrid Kvangraven (King’s College, London, UK)
Sirisha Naidu (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)
Click here to download the presentation slides from this webinar
Discussing Global Inflation
Jan Kregel (Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, USA)
Antonella Palumbo (Roma Tre University, Italy)
Carlos Pinkusfeld (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
AHE Hosts:
Florencia Médici (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas)
Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol)
Perspectives and challenges of the Global South in the current global economic situation
Esteban Pérez Caldentey (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean)
Alex M. Thomas (Azim Premji University)
Esther Majerowicz (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
Adam Aboobaker (University of the West of England)
AHE Hosts:
Florencia Médici (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas)
Imko Meyenburg (Anglia Ruskin University)
The State of Heterodox Economics
Lynne Chester (University of Sydney, Australia)
Alicia Giron (UNAM, Mexico)
Andrew Mearman (University of Leeds, UK)
AHE Hosts:
Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol)
Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven (University of York)
Imko Meyenburg (Anglia Ruskin University)
Diversity within the academic ecosystem of economics (AHE Student Webinar Series in collaboration with Rethinking Economics India)
Aarushi Kalra (PhD student in Economics at Brown University)
Divanshu Sethi (a behavioural science researcher and editor of the Catharsis Magazine)
Karan Daryanani (Founder of Rethinking Economics India and Programme Manager at Fashion for Good)
AHE Hosts:
Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol)
Imko Meyenburg (Anglia Ruskin University)
Structural Heterogeneity and Development Planning in Argentina, Brazil and Chile
Nicolas Dvoskin
AHE Hosts:
Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol)
Applications and challenges of the Sraffian Supermultiplier
Julia Braga (Brazilian Keynesian Association; Fluminense Federal University)
Ricardo Summa (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
AHE Hosts:
Danielle Guizzo (University of Bristol, UK)
Ariane Agunsoye (Goldsmiths, University of London)
The Nexus between Market Transition, State Capitalism and Structural Transformation
Dr. Lorena Lombardozzi (Open University & Open Political Economy Group)
Discussant: Dr. Eka Ikpe (King’s College London)
AHE Hosts:
Chair: Dr. Ariane Agunsoye (Goldsmiths, University of London)