The World Transformed: The Contributions of Heterodox Economics Globally
You can view a YouTube playlist of all the videos from the AHE conference here or watch them below. Here is the full conference programme.
Opening Plenary: COVID-19, Capitalism and the Environment
Julia Steinberger (University of Leeds, UK):
Life vs. Growth: how heterodox economics should help turn the tide on planetary disaster capitalism.
Chantal Naidoo (European Climate Foundation, South Africa):
The Emperor’s Clothes: Policymaking amidst Covid and sustainability crises.
Jason Hickel (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK):
The degrowth imperative: post-capitalism and global justice in an age of ecological breakdown.
Danielle Guizzo (University of the West of England, Bristol) Plenary: Heterodox Economics Globally
Rama Salla Dieng (University of Edinburgh, UK):
Building back better? Why do we need a Decolonial Feminist Development alternative?
Ndongo Samba Sylla (West Africa office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Senegal):
Covid-19 and the economics of de-linking: an African heterodox perspective.
Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven (University of York) Plenary: Heterodox Economics – Perspectives from the Global South
Prabhat Patnaik (Jawaharlal Nehru University):
Globalization, Inequality, and Economic Crisis.
Lucia Pradella (King’s College, London): Bordering the Surplus Population across the Mediterranean:
Imperialism and Unfree Labour in Libya and the Italian Countryside.
Yahya Madra (Drew University):
Whither development after neoliberalism: Corporate nationalism vs. democratic economy
Surbhi Kesar (Azim Premji University) Launch: Contemporary Issues in Heterodox Economics
Sheila Dow (University of Stirling, UK and University of Victoria, Canada)
Arturo Hermann (ISTAT, Italy)
Andrew Mearman (University of Leeds, UK)
Wendy Sealy (University of Chichester, UK)
Simon Mouatt (University of Chichester, UK and Coordinator of AHE) Sessions
Teaching Heterodox Economics
Michelle Groenewald (North West University, South Africa) and Ioana Negru (Lucian Blaga University, Romania):
Informing economic pluralism through postcolonial theory, in an African context.
Juan David Parra (Universidad del Norte, Colombia):
Qualitative Economics and the Opportunity to Push for Heterodoxy in the Classroom.
Danielle Guizzo (University of the West of England, UK):
Do heterodox economists teach differently? A contrastive evaluation of interview data (co-authored with Andrew Mearman and Sebastian Berger).
John Komlos (University of Munich, Germany):
Half a Paradigm Shift in the JEL is Quite a Game Changer for Econ 101.
Andrew Mearman (University of Leeds, UK) and Post-Colonial Development
Max Ajl (Wageningen University and Tunisian Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment)
Ibrahim Shikaki (Trinity College, US)
Divya Sharma (University of Sussex, UK)
This 3-paper panel treats post-colonial theories of development and underdevelopment. It shows how (post)colonial theory is needed to make sense of and to offer alternatives to regnant patterns of accumulation and dispossession. Throughout much of Latin America, Africa, and the Arab region – geographically, West Asia – dependency theory was a dominant mode of interpreting social realities in the 1970s and 1980s, while in South Asia, analogues of dependency theory rubbed shoulders from the 1950s-1980s with extensions of Gandhian economics into the realm of do-it-yourself or auto-centered development based on “traditional” knowledge and appropriate agricultures and technologies. This panel seeks to bring these theories of development and underdevelopment into dynamic and comparative conversation, by showing how specific tools were and are required to make sense of (post)-colonial social structures and oppression, and how in turn such specific tools, in grasping the specificity of such oppressions, could implicitly or explicitly point to exit routes from the trap of permanent colonial and post-colonial underdevelopment and ongoing primitive accumulation.
Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven (University of York)
Covid-19 and the Global South
Salimah Valiani (Independent Researcher):
Understanding COVID-19 as sequel and potential in Africa.
Nithya Joseph and Nithya Natarajan:
Credit where credit is due? Interrogating the gendered dimensions of credit as ‘climate resilience’ in the Covid-19 crisis in India (co-authored with G. Venkatasubramanian, Isabelle Guérin, Fiorella Picchioni, Vincent Guermond, and Milford Bateman).
Sonia C. López Cerón (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia):
Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on the economy of lower-income Bogotá families: Insights from the stratified emergentist Polanyian perspective.
Alexandra Arntsen (Nottingham Trent University) and Finance
Devika Dutt (University of Massachusetts Amherst, US):
Exorbitant Privilege or Ultimate Responsibility? Access to the International Lender of Last Resort.
Davide Villani (University of Greenwich, UK):
Revisiting the External Financial Dependence index in light of the rise of Corporate Net Lending: What do we really measure?
Monika Meireles (UNAM, Mexico):
Financial regionalization, new foreign banking and trans-Latin.
Andrew Mearman (University of Leeds) session: Pluralism and Global South Perspectives in Economics
Barkin Cihanli (Levy Institute, Bard College, US):
The Holistic Approach : Institutions, Investment and Finance and the Unemployment in the Financial Instability Hypothesis.
Leandro Bona (Universidad Nacional de La Plata y Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales – CONICET, Argentina):
De-coloniality and pluralism for Introductory Economics. An experience from Argentina.
Nicolás Dvoskin (CONICET, Argentina) of Economics
Nicolás Águila (The New School for Social Research, US):
Assessing the debate on the commodity character of Marx’s theory of money and its contemporary validity.
Karen Helveg Petersen (Independent Researcher):
The Money View and Marx’s Theory of Money and Credit.
Juan E. Santarcángelo (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, and CONICET, Argentina):
Marxian theories and economic development: roots, boom, setbacks and contributions to development.
Danielle Guizzo (University of the West of England, Bristol), Sexism and Development
Cristina Fróes de Borja Reis (Federal University of ABC, Brazil):
The economic development of Latin America and its main problems: a feminist perspective (co-authored with Regimeire Oliveira Maciel and Fernanda Graziella Cardoso).
Peter Doyle (Independent Scholar):
On Economic Agency.
Surbhi Kesar (Azim Premji University, India):
Economic dualism, precarity, and exclusion: Employment transitions and economic transformation in India.
Alexandra Arntsen (Nottingham Trent University) of Financing of Health and Social Policy
Ana Paula Guidolin (co-authored with Grazielle Custódio David and Pedro Linhares Rossi):
The financing of healthcare in Brazil: underfunding and austerity policies.
Geoff Crocker:
Basic Income and Sovereign Money – A Heterodox Economic Paradigm, the alternative to economic crisis and austerity policy.
Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven (University of York) Critiques of Neoliberalism
Jannis Hussain (University of Oxford, UK):
Funding for future? The environmental impact of IMF conditionality; the Fund’s neoclassical approach.
Katharina Jung (University of Oxford, UK):
Unfulfilled promises – meritocracy and entrepreneurship.
Danielle Guizzo (University of the West of England, Bristol)