Taken from:  Cronin, B. (2020) Heterodox Economic Journal Rankings Revisited. In Mouatt, S. and Hermann, A. (Eds.) Contemporary Issues in Heterodox Economics: Implications for Theory and Policy Action. Routledge, London.

Cambridge Journal of Economics 2.111
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 1.605
Journal of Economic Issues 1.538
Review of Radical Political Economics 1.403
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1.369
Review of Political Economy 1.246
Economy and Society 1.235
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 1.235
Metroeconomica 1.178
History of Political Economy 1.156
Capital and Class 1.156
Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1.044
Contributions to Political Economy 1.032
New Left Review 1.021
American Journal of Economics and Sociology 0.987
Review of Social Economy 0.987
Science and Society 0.909
Economics and Philosophy 0.898
International Review of Applied Economics 0.898
Ecological Economics 0.875
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 0.875
Journal of Economic Methodology 0.864
Review of Keynesian Economics 0.819
Journal of Institutional Economics 0.808
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 0.808
Review of International Political Economy 0.785
Feminist Economics 0.763
Rethinking Marxism 0.695
Journal of Socio-Economics 0.617
New Political Economy 0.605
Historical Materialism 0.605
Review of Social Economy 0.572
Development and Change 0.56
International Review of Applied Economics 0.538
History of Economic Ideas 0.471
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 0.426
Antipode 0.403
Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 0.392
Industrial and Corporate Change 0.369
Journal of Development Studies 0.369
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 0.369
Work, Employment and Society 0.358
Econ Journal Watch 0.347
Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 0.336
International Labour Review 0.325
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 0.291
Journal of Australian Political Economy 0.257
Socio-Economic Review 0.246
Economic Systems Research 0.246
Cepal Review 0.235
Economic and Labour Relations Review 0.223
Economic Geography 0.212
Revista de Economia Politica/ Brazilian Journal of Political Economy 0.178
Critical Sociology 0.178
Competition and Change 0.167
Critique 0.167
Oxford Development Studies 0.156
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 0.145
International Journal of Social Economics 0.145
Review of Austrian Economics 0.134
Advances in Austrian Economics 0.122
Gender, Work and Organization 0.089
Economic and Political Weekly 0.089
Constitutional Political Economy 0.089
Research in Political Economy 0.089
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 0.077
Review of Black Political Economy 0.055
Studies in Political Economy 0.044
Review of African Political Economy 0.021
Panoeconomicus 0.021
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 0.010
Local Economy 0.010
Journal of Economic Geography -0.001
On the Horizon -0.001
Journal of Agrarian Change -0.013
Thesis Eleven -0.024
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities -0.046
Problemas del Desarrollo -0.046
International Journal of Green Economics -0.046
International Journal of Public Policy -0.057
Studies in Political Economy -0.069
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics -0.069
Environmental Values -0.080
Basic Income Studies -0.080
Organization and Environment -0.091
OIKOS -0.091
Critical Perspectives on International Business -0.102
Labor Studies Journal -0.102
International Journal of Green Economics -0.102
Debatte -0.102
tripleC -0.114
Critical Perspectives on Accounting -0.136
Accounting, Organizations and Society -0.136
Transformation -0.136
Urbani Izziv -0.136
Innovations -0.136
Social and Economic Studies -0.136
International Journal of Development Issues -0.136
Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment -0.136