Taken from: Cronin, B. (2020) Heterodox Economic Journal Rankings Revisited. In Mouatt, S. and Hermann, A. (Eds.) Contemporary Issues in Heterodox Economics: Implications for Theory and Policy Action. Routledge, London.
Cambridge Journal of Economics | 2.111 |
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics | 1.605 |
Journal of Economic Issues | 1.538 |
Review of Radical Political Economics | 1.403 |
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 1.369 |
Review of Political Economy | 1.246 |
Economy and Society | 1.235 |
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | 1.235 |
Metroeconomica | 1.178 |
History of Political Economy | 1.156 |
Capital and Class | 1.156 |
Journal of the History of Economic Thought | 1.044 |
Contributions to Political Economy | 1.032 |
New Left Review | 1.021 |
American Journal of Economics and Sociology | 0.987 |
Review of Social Economy | 0.987 |
Science and Society | 0.909 |
Economics and Philosophy | 0.898 |
International Review of Applied Economics | 0.898 |
Ecological Economics | 0.875 |
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics | 0.875 |
Journal of Economic Methodology | 0.864 |
Review of Keynesian Economics | 0.819 |
Journal of Institutional Economics | 0.808 |
Journal of Evolutionary Economics | 0.808 |
Review of International Political Economy | 0.785 |
Feminist Economics | 0.763 |
Rethinking Marxism | 0.695 |
Journal of Socio-Economics | 0.617 |
New Political Economy | 0.605 |
Historical Materialism | 0.605 |
Review of Social Economy | 0.572 |
Development and Change | 0.56 |
International Review of Applied Economics | 0.538 |
History of Economic Ideas | 0.471 |
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics | 0.426 |
Antipode | 0.403 |
Capitalism, Nature, Socialism | 0.392 |
Industrial and Corporate Change | 0.369 |
Journal of Development Studies | 0.369 |
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology | 0.369 |
Work, Employment and Society | 0.358 |
Econ Journal Watch | 0.347 |
Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics | 0.336 |
International Labour Review | 0.325 |
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society | 0.291 |
Journal of Australian Political Economy | 0.257 |
Socio-Economic Review | 0.246 |
Economic Systems Research | 0.246 |
Cepal Review | 0.235 |
Economic and Labour Relations Review | 0.223 |
Economic Geography | 0.212 |
Revista de Economia Politica/ Brazilian Journal of Political Economy | 0.178 |
Critical Sociology | 0.178 |
Competition and Change | 0.167 |
Critique | 0.167 |
Oxford Development Studies | 0.156 |
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology | 0.145 |
International Journal of Social Economics | 0.145 |
Review of Austrian Economics | 0.134 |
Advances in Austrian Economics | 0.122 |
Gender, Work and Organization | 0.089 |
Economic and Political Weekly | 0.089 |
Constitutional Political Economy | 0.089 |
Research in Political Economy | 0.089 |
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics | 0.077 |
Review of Black Political Economy | 0.055 |
Studies in Political Economy | 0.044 |
Review of African Political Economy | 0.021 |
Panoeconomicus | 0.021 |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics | 0.010 |
Local Economy | 0.010 |
Journal of Economic Geography | -0.001 |
On the Horizon | -0.001 |
Journal of Agrarian Change | -0.013 |
Thesis Eleven | -0.024 |
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities | -0.046 |
Problemas del Desarrollo | -0.046 |
International Journal of Green Economics | -0.046 |
International Journal of Public Policy | -0.057 |
Studies in Political Economy | -0.069 |
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics | -0.069 |
Environmental Values | -0.080 |
Basic Income Studies | -0.080 |
Organization and Environment | -0.091 |
OIKOS | -0.091 |
Critical Perspectives on International Business | -0.102 |
Labor Studies Journal | -0.102 |
International Journal of Green Economics | -0.102 |
Debatte | -0.102 |
tripleC | -0.114 |
Critical Perspectives on Accounting | -0.136 |
Accounting, Organizations and Society | -0.136 |
Transformation | -0.136 |
Urbani Izziv | -0.136 |
Innovations | -0.136 |
Social and Economic Studies | -0.136 |
International Journal of Development Issues | -0.136 |
Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment | -0.136 |