2-3pm Plenary: Integrating Industrial and Innovation Research into Health: Compelling Lessons for Health Policy and Economics During a Global Pandemic
Smita Srinivas (Open University UK and Technological Change Lab): The Economics of innovation and industry in vaccines: a case study approach
Roberto Simonetti (Open University) and Maureen Mackintosh (Open University): The challenge of upgrading under globalisation in health-related industries in Tanzania, and some unforeseen lessons from low income countries.
3-3.30pm Coffee Break
3.30-5pm: Challenges of Financing of Health and Social Policy
Ana Paula Guidolin, Grazielle Custódio David and Pedro Linhares Rossi: The financing of healthcare in Brazil: underfunding and austerity policies
Geoff Crocker: Basic Income and Sovereign Money – A Heterodox Economic Paradigm, the alternative to economic crisis and austerity policy
Robin Latimer (Independent Researcher): Coronanavirus – Changing the Money System
5pm-5.30pm: AHE 2020 Awards Ceremony
(Ticket for Awards Ceremony is same as above)
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