2pm-3pm: Opening Plenary: COVID-19, Capitalism and the Environment
Julia Steinberger (University of Leeds, UK): Life vs. Growth: how heterodox economics should help turn the tide on planetary disaster capitalism
Chantal Naidoo (European Climate Foundation, South Africa): The Emperor’s Clothes: Policymaking amidst covid and sustainability crises
Jason Hickel (Goldsmiths, University of London, UK): The degrowth imperative: post-capitalism and global justice in an age of ecological breakdown
3pm-3.30pm Coffee Break
3.30-5pm: Heterodox Perspectives on COVID-19
Medha A. S. (Center for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, India): Heterodox Economic Policy Outlook: A Proven Boon at the Time of a Global Pandemic
Vijayamba R. (Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru, India) and Prajwal N. (Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru, India): An Assessment of the Urban Female Informal Workers during Covid-19 – Evidences from Bengaluru, India
Patrick Mellacher (Graz Schumpeter Centre, Austria): Inequality in the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Containment Measures: An Agent-based Exploration
Alicia Girón (UNAM, Mexico): Financial Governance in a Multipolar World: Before and After COVID-19
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