AHE 2014 Conference Papers
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Refereed Papers
The AHE referees all conference paper abstracts. Refereed conference papers are also subject to double blind refereeing of the full paper.
Built on shaky ground: the flaws ofneoclassical economics as conventionally taught
Aart HeestermanThe Three fs: from the Great Crisis to the GreatRecession
Alicia GironA financial analysis of monetary systems
Eric TymoignePseudo Goodwin cycles in a MinksyModel
Jo Michell, Engelbert StockhammerHutchison’salternative to orthodox economic methodology
John HartTheIntersection of Gender and Race: A Heterodox Approach to Gender and RaceDisparities
Marlene KimThe Triple Crisis: An MMTResponse
Martin J Watts, James Juniper, TimothySharpeBuying power and the triplecrisis
Michael JoffeLand is central to understandingthe triple crisis
Michael JoffeOne money or many currencies
Robin LatimerDo Labour Laws IncreaseEquality at the Expense of Higher Unemployment?
Simon Deakin, Jonas Malmberg, PrabirjitSarkarPublic goods and commons, some preliminaryreflections
Sofia CostanzaAn answer to the triple crisis: a human basedeconomic model
Veronika Poór
Non-Refereed Papers
Argentina: crisis, revival … and crisis again?
Alberto MullerEconomic calculation
Andrew DenisThe “Affluent Society” of John KennethGalbraith and its Relevance for the Analysis of the Problems of Today
Arturo HermannThe costs and benefits of mainstream economics: An environmental policymaker’s perspective
Bent Arne SætherCédric Durand, European growthmodels and working class restructuring
Engelbert StockhammerAlleviating the Childcare Constraintfor Women: Empirical Evidence from the UK
Gabriella Cagliesi, Denise HawkesThe second economy under socialism andcapitalism
George HallamTrusting Keynes! Concepts of Trust and the Political Economy of John Maynard Keynes
Jamie Morgan and Brendan SheehanThe impact of highcommodity prices on Latin America’s developing countries economies. Acomparative study of Argentina and Brazil
Julio Fabris, Jose Villadeamigo, MauricioCristofaroFinancialization of Ground Rent: A New Versionof ‘Unequal Exchange’
Karen Helveg PetersenAnalysing real-worldmarkets
Lynne ChesterSecuritisation, wage stagnation and financialfragility: A stock-flow consistent perspective
Maria NikolaidiThe Great Stagnation as the crisis of investment
Michael BurkeThe potential of heterodox economic spaces and of commons regimes in a no-growth economy
Nadia Johanisova, Petr Daněk, Eva Fraňková and Petr JehličkaUndergraduate Macroeconomics as CurrentAnalysis: A Constructivist Experiment
Nick Gomersall‘Surplus Profits’ and Progressive Land Ownership: A Marxist Perspective.
Nick PottsGrowth without Prosperity
Robert MikeczHow Does Financialised Pension ProvisionExacerbate The Impact Of The Crisis In Europe?
Serap SaritasSovereign Currencies, Competition and the Dawning of the Age of Austerity: An Evaluation of Modern Monetary Theory
Simon MouattPolitical Economy of Low Female Labour Force Participation in Central and Eastern Europe
Sonja AvlijašAre paradigms the answer?
Stuart BirksCapitalist Variation, Stages of Capitalismand the Celtic Tiger
Terrence McDonoughShadow Banking and Credit-Driven Growth in China
Yan LiangFrom Monetary Theory of Production toCulture-Nature Life Process
Zdravka Todorova